06.04.2004 Verison 0.9.5b:
improved project class loading
20.03.2004 Verison 0.9.4:
wizard will open the created file in the appropriate default editor
action icon :)
Bug fixes:
choose file from template history
use multiple user variables in simteec variables
09.03.2004 Verison 0.9.3:
Use classes from your classpath inside your Velocity context
Use variables inside simteec variables (thank you Yuri Magrisso)
Better property file parser
Define velocity runtime properties
14.02.2004 Version 0.9.3b:
New right-click action for property files.
New configuration variables
(template generation without wizard possible)
New context utilities for your convenience.
Generate multiple files with only two mouse click.
02.12.2003 Version 0.9.2:
New property file parser.
Handles commas in variable values
Handles escaped quotes in variable values
Enhanced tutorials, to include new parser features
Added typesafe enumeration template
29.11.2003 Version 0.9.2b:
Added an Ant-Task for integrating SimTeEc into your build process.
This feature is based on the Velocity tool Texen. For documentation
have a look at the doc/examples/antTask directory in the zip file.
From now on, all releases will include all sources and javadoc.
03.11.2003 Version 0.9.1:
Changed the singleton template to make it threadsafe.
01.06.2003 Version 0.9:
First public release
These page was generated using SIMTEEC on Tue Apr 06 19:39:53 CEST 2004.